Terracottem Soil Conditioner

Consisting of a proprietary mixture of more than twenty components from different groups all assisting the plant growth processes in a synergetic way. The benefits are healthier plants & increased yields, increased water retention capacity of soils, increased survival rate, water savings up to 50%, stronger and deeper root development, increase microbiological activity, faster and better plant establishment, higher resistence to to drought stress and diseases, better use o fertilisers, ability for plant growth in degrated, saline or otherwise marginal soils.
The growth procursors play a very important role in the initial growth phase of the plant. They activate root cell elongation and differentiation and promote leaf development and biomass production and encourage roots to grow in depth in conditions of drought.
Terracottem's crosslinked hydroabsorbent copolymers of acrylamide and acrylic acid, partially neutrilised the potassium and ammonia salts, absorb and store water at root level that is normally lost to evaporation and leaching, optimising water resources and reducing the volume and frequency of irrigation up to 50%. This stored water is then kept at the sisposal of the plant that accesses the water on demand through its root hairs, keeping the water in the root zone for a longer period of time.
In dry form, the polymers are white, crystalline granules. Upon contact with water, the granules swell quickly, absorbing water and expanding into a gel-like substance. Each copolymer is capable of storing many times its own weight in water. The Terracottem copolymers have a low sensititvity to electrolytes, yielding a numerous wet/dry cycles. The especially selected fertilisers provide balanced nutrition to the plants based upon macro and microelements. Terracottem carrier mterials are selected for their chemo-physical properties (CEC, WRC, etc.) and their characteristics to allow homogeneous distribution for all components.
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