
Hellasod is the sole company in Greece that has the right to produce Certified Sod in the south of Europe and the wider Mediterranean area. What does it mean "Certified Sod" and why we should favor it?  

It is already known that the warm season varieties, when it comes to hybrids, multiply with agenus multiplication material. It is also common knowledge that hybrids have unique characteristics and quality specifications, that can not be matched with the simple seeding method.

Our company has previously collaborated with "PHILLIP JENNINGS TURF FARMS", which is one of the largest and leading companies in America. The above company has the right to breed warm season hybrids such as hybrids: TIFWAY Bermuda and nano-bermuda MINIVERDE. It has assigned the production rights of the above hybrids to Hellasod.

The process, followed by our company, for the production of the above hybrids is in line with the standards of the corresponding units approved in America.

Thus, continuous inspections have been carried out by the scientists of the abovementioned company, and it is typically reported that their representatives have been present from the initial stages to the production of the final product.
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